- San Francisco Chronicle: Preserve Prop. 209: Don’t let racial discrimination return to California (May 26, 2020)
- Another Scheme to Justify Racial Preferences (May 25, 2020)
- California Democrats Want to Bring Racial Preferences Back (May 24, 2020)
- ACA 5 Seminar Recording 05/21/2020
- The success of Prop 209 (May 20, 2020)
- California Revives Affirmative Action (May 12th, 2020)
- The Effects of Proposition 209 on California: Higher Education, Public Employment, and Contracting (September 25, 2008)
“The CSU and UC data show that blacks, Hispanics, and other underrepresented groups have suffered no harm, but have steadily increased in the statistically significant areas of high school graduates and university baccalaureate holders across the state.”
Youtube: Say NO to ACA 5第一场抗议活动现场报道! (2020年6月16日)
- 修宪法案美國華人站起來,阻止加州修憲 (2020年5月31日)
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Bilingual Posts 中英文
- ACA-5 Bill Analysis (May 8th, 2020)
- ACA-5法案分析(2020年5月8日)
- 【编者按】本文是ACA-5众议院修宪5号法案的官方分析的参考翻译初稿。由于种种的原因,该官方分析明显一边倒的偏向支持改宪的一方,没有任何反对方的信息。详细阅读本文,可以帮助了解对方的逻辑和证据,然后有效的,针对性的反驳对方,陈述反方的意见。该草稿对外开放 commenting,方便收集修改意见。