

California doesn’t need a new fight over Proposition 209

原作者:Tom Campbell (教育家,政治家,前国会议员,法学和经济学教授) 


编者按:冠状病毒是目前大家关注的重点。但是加州后台的改宪风波同样值得继续关注:有议员推动ACA-5来完全取消209法案,重新在大学入学中引入种族因素。本文转录自讨论: ,仅供参考,不代表我们认同节目中的观点,也不代表我们确认其中提到的事实。 

In June of 1996, Californians voted to prevent the state from granting preferences or imposing burdens on anyone on account of the person’s race or gender.

This was Proposition 209, and it passed 55 percent to 45 percent. It was a vote for a color-blind government, and, especially, color-blind admissions to the University of California.

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Earlier this month, an effort to repeal Prop. 209 cleared the Rules Committee in the State Assembly.

There has been no showing of changed sentiment among Californians indicating our desire now to allow the government to offer preferences or impose burdens based on our race or gender.

But with two-thirds control of both houses of the state legislature, the Democratic Party majority does not have to gather a single signature to put the repeal of Proposition 209 on the ballot this November.

In 1996, we voted to put racial division behind us, as a matter of government policy. Of course, there is still racial bias in California; but we voted not to have the state take part in it. With the proposal to repeal 209, California risks igniting a racial debate.

Asian Americans comprised 27.26 percent of the applicants to the University of California last year, and 39.72 percent of those enrolled. Latino Americans comprised 26.82 percent of the applicants, and 25.45 percent of those enrolled. African Americans were 5.58 percent of the applicants and 3.87 percent of those enrolled.  The University of California administrators have long argued for the “benign” use of race to admit more African Americans and Latino Americans.

However, there is some maximum number of students who can be admitted. There is no “benign” use of race: If UC grants preference to some on the basis of race, it is also imposing a cap on others, on the basis of their race. That is irrefutable arithmetic.

Nor can UC claim it’s only using race as a “tie-breaker”: to the student kept out, the result is the same.

Under existing law, UC takes account of each individual applicant’s personal story and achievements. Is this student the first in her or his family to go to college? What is the family income level? How many students from an applicant’s high school have gone to college?

All of these factors are considered.

Further, UC does not allow favoring children of alumni or wealthy donors, and the UC’s almost entirely escaped the recent scandals that embroiled private colleges’ athletic admissions.

The results of the current system have not been unfair. Here are the enrollment rates, by race, the year before UC was ordered to stop considering race, and today: African Americans (3.7 percent then, 3.87 percent now); Latino Americans (13.4 percent then, 25.45 percent now); Asian Americans (36.1 percent then, 39.72 percent now), Caucasian Americans (38.4 percent then, 19.29 percent now).

In other words, the rising percentage of Latino Americans graduating from California’s high schools has been matched by the rising percentage in their admission to UC, and the drop in Caucasian Americans’ percentage of California’s high schools has registered in their drop in UC enrollments. The other races stayed about the same. These numbers do not call out for reparation.

However, advocates of allowing race to be considered note other numbers: Latino Americans comprise 39.3 percent of Californians yet only 25.45 percent of UC enrollees; African Americans comprise 6.5 percent of Californians yet only 3.87 percent of UC enrollees.

Nevertheless, if more spaces are to be made for the under-represented, they must come from the over-represented. Asian Americans are 15.3 percent of Californians, yet 39.72 percent of UC enrollees.

Those numbers are why bringing this issue forward now would inevitably divide Californians racially:  Latino Americans and African Americans on one side, Asian Americans on the other. The politics are inescapably racial.

An effort to repeal Prop. 209 passed the State Senate in 2014, but died in the Assembly because Asian American parents rose up on behalf of their children’s right to be judged “not on the color of their skin but the content of their character.”

Dr. Martin Luther King spoke those words about his children. Californians have the right to the same dream for our children.
马丁·路德·金博士(Martin Luther King)也曾为他的孩子说过这些话。加州人也有权为我们的孩子实现同样的梦想。

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Tom Campbell has been a professor at Stanford, Berkeley, and Chapman Universities. He served five terms in the US Congress and two years in the California State Senate. He was active in the effort to adopt Proposition 209 in 1996. He left the Republican Party in 2016 and is now in the process of creating a new party, the Common Sense Party of California.
汤姆·坎贝尔(Tom Campbell)曾在斯坦福大学、伯克利大学和查普曼大学任教授。他五次在美国国会任议员职位,在加州参议院任职两年。他在1996年积极参与了采纳209号提案的工作。他于2016年离开共和党,目前正在组建新的党派——加利福尼亚常识党(Common Sense Party of California)。