
CFER Calls for Donations to Its Campaign to Defend Proposition 209

Original Link: For Immediate Release July 1, 2020 San Diego, California: Californians for Equal Rights (CFER), the principal campaign committee defending Proposition 209, today calls upon all friends and concerned fellows to donate to our campaign to defeat ACA 5 and reject government preferences on the basis of race and sex.  Donate California voters will determine the…


Affirmative Action Could Return Under New State Constitutional Amendment Proposal

转载:Affirmative Action Could Return Under New State Constitutional Amendment Proposal Prop. 209 leaders and supporters believed civil rights are individual rights and that government policies should not advocate group rights over individual rights By Evan Symon, March 17, 2020 2:19 am A new state constitutional amendment proposed last week to reinstate affirmative action in California gained…


A hasty hearing on a constitutional amendment that would overturn Prop. 209

转载:A hasty hearing on a constitutional amendment that would overturn Prop. 209 A controversial bill intended to re-introduce government preferences, Assembly Constitutional Amendment 5, is scheduled for a committee hearing Tuesday in the California Legislature, giving the public a deliberately short 24-hour notice.   Built on partial evidence and shallow prescriptions for an unrealistic utopia, ACA-5 is in essence…



加州不需要为了209号提案展开新的斗争California doesn’t need a new fight over Proposition 209 原作者:Tom Campbell (教育家,政治家,前国会议员,法学和经济学教授)  原文发表时间:2020年3月30日  编者按:冠状病毒是目前大家关注的重点。但是加州后台的改宪风波同样值得继续关注:有议员推动ACA-5来完全取消209法案,重新在大学入学中引入种族因素。本文转录自讨论: ,仅供参考,不代表我们认同节目中的观点,也不代表我们确认其中提到的事实。  In June of 1996, Californians voted to prevent the state from granting preferences or imposing burdens on anyone on account of the person’s race or gender.1996年6月,加州人民投票决定,禁止州政府基于任何人的种族或性别给予优惠待遇或施加负担。 This was Proposition 209, and it passed 55 percent to 45 percent. It was a…